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Adulting is Ruining My Travel Plans

Hey ya'll!

I normally don't do this, but I need to get something off of my chest.


I'm sooooooo over being a responsible adult!! Me working full-time and making sure Kassidy goes to school everyday is cramping my vacation plans. While I am grateful to have a job that offers paid time off...I WANNA USE IT WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT! Accrual time, black out dates, time-off requests...I'm over it. If Kassidy were to miss 10 days of school to see the world, she'd be learning 100x more than she would be learning sitting in school. They go to school for 7 hours, they have recess and P.E. and there's lunch, that's like 5 hours of actual learning time. She's not missing anything.

I have to work on my birthday this year for the first time in my life! My actual birthday is a blackout date because it's a home game for the college football team! I couldn't care less about football! Think employers should be mandated to give employees 4 days of vacation every quarter. I read somewhere (I actually did) that employers who provide ample vacation time reported that morale is better and turn-over rates decreased...I'm just sayin.

But I digress, it'll all be fine. That being said, I'm working on generating passive income, but that would have to be another blog.


Travel full-time and "world school" Kass. First, we will travel for the summers, then evolve to traveling the world for months at a time year-round.

Thanks for letting me vent guys. We're going to Memphis for Labor Day, stay tuned for those posts.

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