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We Use Wanderu, You Should Too.

I am not being compensated in any way for this post, all opinions are my own.

we use wanderu, you should too

Hey ya'll!!

Long time, no talk! I have so many draft posts that I need to get to you guys. Bear with me. But I had to make time to share this new site I stumbled upon. So I was just scrolling through Flipboard and the magic words appeared right before my eyes...CHEAP LAST MINUTE TRAVEL DEALS. (Somebody could probably lure me into a kidnap van that has "cheap travel deals" on the side.)

I discovered Wanderu! What is it you ask? Wanderu a site that finds the cheapest deals based on your destination and travel date or you can choose any date and live life on the edge. Most of the cheap travel fare is via bus or train. It's pretty much like Kayak, it pulls the cheapest fares from Greyhound, Megabus, and Amtrak. It saves the trouble of playing around with different dates and trying to figure out which company goes where.


I am a person who prefers to fly, BUT my cheapness trumps everything. Every since I had to start paying adult airfare for Kass it's been hard out here lol.

Example: Kassidy and I can go to Memphis from Birmingham round-trip for $58 (not each, both of us). I only live 4 hours away from Memphis, that's not a bad drive. But for $58 ,that's cheaper than putting gas in my car! They also have the option to check out cheap last minute flights and hotels (meh!), not 58 bucks but, you's there.

I have become more spontaneous in my travel planning, so I use the 'Explore' option. Whatever destination is the cheapest at the time is where we're going. It's definitely another tool I'm adding to my "travel for the low arsenal." I just wanted to share that tidbit with you all. Happy deal hunting.

Let me know if you guys try it.

Until next time,


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